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House of Hope Green Bay provides emergency shelter and supportive services for parenting youth ages 17-24 and their children.  



Parenting classes are offered by House of Hope professional staff and collaborating partner agencies. Howe Community Resource Center parenting programming. House of Hope provides assistance with age appropriate development advice, bedtime routines, positive parenting, and a program called Conscious Discipline. Green Bay Doula's assists clients with birthing services and education. Volunteers provide parenting support while parents are participating in programming.



House of Hope professionals and volunteers provide programming aimed at building independence, self-esteem, and financial wellness. Volunteers who are retired professors provide GED tutoring. Northeast Wisconsin Technical College provides TABE testing and GED orientation. Nutrition programs are offered by the University of Wisconsin SystemWells Fargo provides financial management and budgeting assistance. 



House of Hope helps clients create a resume and build skills required for attaining and maintaining employment. Case managers talk with clients about goals and career planning. Volunteers provide mock interviews and donors provide interview clothing. 



House of Hope programming prepares clients for independent living and stability. Each year, we can help a limited number of families with children locate and obtain their own apartment. Case management and program support can continue even after clients move into their home.


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